Guide for upgrading from v0.7.* to v0.8.3:

Change log v0.8.3

In this chapter, for users who will upgrade openraft 0.7 to openraft 0.8, we are going to explain what changes has been made from openraft-0.7 to openraft-0.8 and why these changes are made.

  • Backup your data before deploying upgraded application.

To upgrade:

  1. Update the application to adopt v0.8.3 openraft. The updated RaftStorage implementation must pass RaftStorage test suite, and the compatibility test: compatibility test

  2. Then shutdown all v0.7.* nodes and then bring up v0.8.* nodes.

v0.7.* and v0.8.* should NEVER run in a same cluster, due to the data structure changes. Exchanging data between v0.7.* and v0.8.* nodes may lead to data damage.

Upgrade steps

In general, the upgrade includes the following steps:

Prepare v0.8

  • Make sure that the application uses serde to serialize data; Openraft v0.8 provides a compatibility layer that is built upon serde.

  • Enable feature flag compat-07 to enable the compatibility layer openraft::compat::compat07.

  • Optionally enable feature flag single-term-leader if the application wants to use standard raft. See Multi/single leader in each term chapter.

Upgrade the application codes

  • Add type config to define what types to use for openraft, See RaftTypeConfig :

    fn main() {
        pub MyTypeConfig: D = ClientRequest, R = ClientResponse, NodeId = u64, Node = openraft::EmptyNode, Entry = openraft::entry::Entry<MyTypeConfig>
  • Add generics parameter to types such as:

    • LogId -> LogId<NID>,
    • Membership -> Membership<NID, N>
    • Entry<D> -> Entry<MyTypeConfig>
  • Move RaftStorage methods implementation according to the Storage API changes chapter.

    • Replace HardState with Vote, and [read/save]_hard_state with [read/write]_vote.
    • Replace EffectiveMembership with StoredMembership.
  • Move RaftNetwork methods implementation according to the Network-API-changes chapter.

  • Replace types for deserialization with the ones provided by openraft::compat::compat07. These types such as compat07::Entry can be deserialized from both v0.7 Entry and v0.8 Entry.

  • Finally, make sure the RaftStorage implementation passes RaftStorage test suite and compatibility test

Compatibility with v0.7 format data

Openraft v0.8 can be built compatible with v0.7 if:

  • The application uses serde to serialize data types
  • Enabling compat-07 feature flags.

Openraft uses a RaftStorage implementation provided by the application to store persistent data. When upgrading from v0.7 to v0.8, it is important to ensure that the updated RaftStorage is backward compatible and can read the data written by v0.7 openraft, in addition to reading and writing v0.8 openraft data. This ensures that the application continues to function smoothly after upgrade.

Openraft v0.8 compatible mode

Compared to v0.7, openraft v0.8 has a more generic design. However, it is still possible to build it in a v0.7 compatible mode by enabling the feature flag compat-07. More information can be found at: feature-flag-compat-07.

It is worth noting that an application does NOT need to enable this feature flag if it chooses to manually upgrade the v0.7 format data.

Generic design in v0.8 includes:

  • generic type NodeId, Node and Entry were introduced,
  • serde became an optional.

Because of these generalizations, feature compat-07 enables the following feature flags:

  • serde: it adds serde implementation to types such as LogId.

And v0.8 will be compatible with v0.7 only when it uses u64 as NodeId and openraft::EmptyNode as Node.

Implement a compatible storage layer

In addition to enabling compat-07 feature flag, openraft provides a compatible layer in openraft::compat::compat07 to help application developer to upgrade. This mod provides several types that can deserialize from both v0.7 format data and the latest format data.

An application uses these types to replace the corresponding ones in a RaftStorage implementation, so that v0.7 data and v0.8 data can both be read.

For example, in a compatible storage implementation, reading a LogId should be done in the following way:

fn main() {
use openraft::compat::compat07;

fn read_log_id(bs: &[u8]) -> openraft::LogId<u64> {
    let log_id: compat07::LogId = serde_json::from_slice(&bs).expect("incompatible");
    let latest: openraft::LogId<u64> = log_id.upgrade();

Example of compatible storage

rocksstore-compat07 is a good example using these compatible type to implement a compatible RaftStorage.

This is an example RaftStorage implementation that can read persistent data written by either v0.7.4 or v0.8 the latest version openraft.

rocksstore-compat07 is built with openraft 0.8, in the tests, it reads data written by rocksstore 0.7.4, which is built with openraft 0.7.4 .

In this example, it loads data through the compatibility layer: openraft::compat::compat07, which defines several compatible types that can be deserialized from v0.7 or v0.8 data, such as compat07::LogId or compat07::Membership.

Test compatibility

Openraft also provides a testing suite testing::Suite07 to ensure old data will be correctly read. An application should ensure that its storage passes this test suite. Just like rocksstore-compat07/ does.

To test compatibility of the application storage API:

  • Define a builder that builds a v0.7 RaftStorage implementation.
  • Define another builder that builds a v0.8 RaftStorage implementation.
  • Run tests in compat::testing::Suite07 with these two builder. In this test suite, it writes data with a v0.7 storage API and then reads them with an v0.8 storage API.

fn main() {
use openraft::compat;

struct Builder07;
struct BuilderLatest;

impl compat::testing::StoreBuilder07 for Builder07 {
    type D = rocksstore07::RocksRequest;
    type R = rocksstore07::RocksResponse;
    type S = Arc<rocksstore07::RocksStore>;

    async fn build(&self, p: &Path) -> Arc<rocksstore07::RocksStore> {

    fn sample_app_data(&self) -> Self::D {
        rocksstore07::RocksRequest::Set { key: s("foo"), value: s("bar") }

impl compat::testing::StoreBuilder for BuilderLatest {
    type C = crate::Config;
    type S = Arc<crate::RocksStore>;

    async fn build(&self, p: &Path) -> Arc<crate::RocksStore> {

    fn sample_app_data(&self) -> <<Self as compat::testing::StoreBuilder>::C as openraft::RaftTypeConfig>::D {
        crate::RocksRequest::Set { key: s("foo"), value: s("bar") }

async fn test_compatibility_with_rocksstore_07() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    compat::testing::Suite07 {
        builder07: Builder07,
        builder_latest: BuilderLatest,

fn s(v: impl ToString) -> String {

Summary of changes introduced in v0.8

Generic Node

Openraft v0.8 introduces trait openraft::NodeId, openraft::Node, openraft::entry::RaftEntry, an application now can use any type for a node-id or node object.

A type that needs NodeId or Node now has generic type parameter in them, e.g, struct Membership {...} became:

fn main() {
pub struct Membership<NID, N>
where N: Node, NID: NodeId

Optional serde

serde in openraft v0.8 became optional. To enable serde, build openraft with serde feature flag. See: feature flags.

Multi/single leader in each term

Openraft v0.8 by default allows multiple leaders to be elected in a single term, in order to minimize conflicting during election. To run in the standard raft mode, i.e, only one leader can be elected in every term, an application builds openraft with feature flag "single-term-leader". See: feature flags.

With this feature on: only one leader can be elected in each term, but it reduces LogId size from LogId:{term, node_id, index} to LogId{term, index}. It will be preferred if an application uses a big NodeId type.

Openraft v0.7 runs in the standard raft mode, i.e., at most one leader per term. It is safe to upgrade v0.7 single-term-leader mode to v0.8 multi-term-leader mode.

Storage API changes

Split RaftStorage

Extract RaftLogReader, RaftSnapshotBuilder from RaftStorage

RaftStorage is now refactored to:

  • RaftLogReader to read data from the log in parallel tasks independent of the main Raft loop
  • RaftStorage to modify the log and the state machine (implements also RaftLogReader) intended to be used in the main Raft loop
  • RaftSnapshotBuilder to build the snapshot in background independent of the main Raft loop

The RaftStorage API offers to create new RaftLogReader or RaftSnapshotBuilder on it.

Move default implemented methods from RaftStorage to StorageHelper

Function get_log_entries() and try_get_log_entry() are provided with default implementations. However, they do not need to be part of this trait and an application does not have to implement them.

Network API changes

Split RaftNetwork and RaftNetworkFactory

RaftNetwork is also refactored to:

  • RaftNetwork responsible for sending RPCs
  • RaftNetworkFactory responsible for creating instances of RaftNetwork for sending data to a particular node.

Data type changes

  • When building a SnapshotMeta, another field is required: last_membership, for storing the last applied membership.

  • HardState is replaced with Vote.

  • Add SnapshotSignature to identify a snapshot for transport.

  • Replace usages of EffectiveMembership in RaftStorage with StoredMembership.

  • Introduce generalized types NodeId and Node to let user defines arbitrary node-id or node. Openraft v0.8 relies on a RaftTypeConfig for your application to define types that are used by openraft, with the following macro:

    fn main() {
        pub MyTypeConfig: D = ClientRequest, R = ClientResponse, NodeId = u64, Node = openraft::EmptyNode, Entry = openraft::entry::Entry<MyTypeConfig>